AVEVA OMI Software Developer Kit
AVEVA OMI Developer Guide > MyViewApp Attributes > System Namespace Attributes
System Namespace Attributes

Use attributes in the System namespace to read system date and time information.

Attribute Name Description Data
Read/ Write
Msec Gets the millisecond number, for example "801" integer Read
Second Gets the second number, for example "48" integer Read
Minute Gets the minute number, for example, "50" integer Read
Hour Gets the hour number, for example "20" integer Read
Day Gets the day number, for example, "12" integer Read
Month Gets the month number, for example, "1" integer Read
Year Gets the year number, for example, "2017" integer Read
Date Gets the date, for example, "17178" DateTime Read
Time Gets the time, for example "75048801" DateTime Read
DateTime Gets the date and time, for example "17178.868" DateTime Read
DateString Gets the date, for example "1/12/2017" string Read
TimeString Gets the time, for example, "8:50:48" string Read