AVEVA OMI Software Developer Kit
Debug a Running App

Use the following steps to debug an app that is running, but is exhibiting unexpected behavior when you execute an action within the app. Examples include pressing a button or expanding a navigation node in the ViewApp and not getting the expected result.

  1. Deploy your app.
  2. In Visual Studio, build your project in Debug mode.
  3. After the project builds, go to the output folder and copy both the pdb file and the debug version of the dll file.
  4. Place both files in the app location for your Galaxy, in the applicable folder under Controls. For example:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\ArchestrA\Framework\FileRepository\<GalaxyName>\ObjectFileStorage\<$ViewApp_Name>\Deployed_1051\Controls\<MyApp>
    You will be overwriting the original dll file and adding the pdb file to the app folder.
  5. Launch the app from the AVEVA OMI Application Manager.
  6. Go to your project in Visual Studio, and select the debug process.
  7. Select View.exe and attach to the debug process.
  8. Add a breakpoint at the point the problem is occurring.
  9. When you hit the breakpoint, inspect the values and step through the code until you find the problem.