AVEVA OMI Software Developer Kit
AVEVA OMI Developer Guide > Key Concepts > Configurable Properties
Configurable Properties

An AVEVA OMI App can contain two types of configurable properties:

  • CLR (.NET Framework) properties
  • Dependency properties

CLR properties can only be set at configuration (design) time, while dependency properties can be bound to any attribute and can be set at run time. If a dependency property is changed at run time, the new value is propagated to the attribute. Dependency properties are data-bindable at design time, and you can set the binding direction to in (read), out (write), or both. To change the binding direction, click on the arrow to toggle the binding direction.

Data-Bindable Properties

For dependency properties, you must specify the attribute to which you are binding the property, as well as the direction of the binding (in, out, or both). The attribute naming convention is the same you use, for example, when configuring an animation in the Graphic Editor. Note that the ViewApp Editor does not provide syntax validation for attribute names, but the Logger will list any configuration errors. Binding is only supported for the following basic data types.

  • System.Boolean
  • System.Byte
  • System.Char
  • System.Decimal
  • System.Double
  • System.Int16
  • System.Int32
  • System.Int64
  • System.SByte
  • System.Single
  • System.String
  • System.UInt16
  • System.Unit32
  • System.Unit64