AVEVA OMI Software Developer Kit
AVEVA OMI Developer Guide > Introduction > AVEVA OMI App Development Guidelines
AVEVA OMI App Development Guidelines

The following property types are available for configuring WPF-based displays:

  • Public writeable CLR properties on the display that are not hidden using the browsable attribute.
  • Dependency Properties.
  • Nested properties which satisfy the criteria of configurable properties.
  • Enumeration and flag properties.
  • Any property that can be converted to or from string.

The following types of properties are NOT available for configuring WPF-displays:

  • Any property defined by the System.Windows.UIElement class.
  • Any property defined by the System.Windows.FrameworkElement class.
    • The Tooltip property is an exception to this and can be configured.
  • The following properties defined by the System.Windows.Controls.Control class:
    • IsTabStop.
    • TabIndex.
    • Template.
  • Any property defined by the System.Windows.Controls.ContentControl class